Nine Month Old Baby Photo Shoot

Y'all, this little sweet girl stole my heart at her nine month milestone session! She has the most adorable gummy smile and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen!
This lovely little lady just happens to be the daughter of my daughter's teacher, which makes her sessions even more meaningful. Her parents are absolutely smitten with her and so incredibly in love with their baby girl.

I had the honor of capturing newborn photos of this sweet little pea nine month ago, and it was so wonderful to see how much she has changed since then. Her personality is so incredibly charming. She was happy and and content throughout her entire session and she gave us a whole range of facial expressions. By the end of the session my cheeks were sore from smiling so much. She just lights up the room.
I am so excited to have her back in my studio in just a few month for her 12 month cake smash session! It is going to be so much fun.

Happy nine months, little sweet pea!